Saturday, May 18, 2019

May 14, 2019

kay so this week we've been trying to get people interviewed so that they could be baptized this upcoming saturday. The problem is one of them needs to be interviewed over the phone by our mission President and he's been super busy and we don't have any load on our phone so we can't call or text anyone. So ya it's been a party.

Elder Teodoro has been sick as well so not a whole lot has really happened. It's fiesta time in Zamboanguita though so we've been eating a lot more if nothing else. Ya pretty average week. Nothing exciting has really happened.

Oh I guess we're going to be getting smart phones sometime soon so that'll be awesome. It'll be so nice to be able to show videos and share talks and stuff. There's some random statistic somewhere that says that the number of baptisms and everything increase significantly in the missions with devices so we're all really excited to see that change. It's funny kay we always thought the "techonology safeguards" pamphlet thing was super redundant kay we never used devices but hey we finally have a reason for those pamphlets. Supposedly Zone leaders are getting cars again as well so that'll be nice for Zone conferences and stuff like that.

But ya not a whole lot of changes in Zamboanguita. Pretty much just the same

Elder Shirley

Sometimes frogs get in your apartment ... and you have to chase them out ...

Sometimes girls from the ward are walking behind you, so they have to be missionaries too... so they need name tags also ....