Thursday, January 16, 2020

"Finishers Wanted" by Thomas S. Monson 1972

Tuesday January 14, 2020

Thanks for the supportive email! That talk is something that President and Sister Pajaro have referenced a few times throughout my mission. If i remember right I think they even had an entire zone conference center on it. I guess being a finisher is something that's been on my mind for a while now. Not getting trunky but just kinda seeing the end in sight. It's weird kay it does not feel like I've been out as long as I have. Like there's definitely times where it feels like I've been out FOREVER, but to think I only have another 5 months to commit everything to the Lord doesn't feel quite right.

I hate saying it but we honestly didn't have a ton going on this past week. On Thursday/Friday we were getting the piping fixed in our house so that we could have water so we were doing exchanges while that was going on kay there was an Elder who recently had a foot surgery so he was just supposed to rest at home. So we had him stay in our house with one of us while the other one of us worked with his comp. 

Saturday we had a little miracle in finding some returning members who also happened to have a recent convert in there house. We hadn't ever seen them at church but this last Sunday they came so that was awesome. Sunday we had the world's longest stake planning meeting that took up like our entire Sunday. 

Monday we pretty much had to commit all our time to find a person who moved here to Talisay from San Carlos on Negros. They were taught by missionaries over there and he already has a baptismal goal in February so we decided it was worth our time to try and find him. Long story short we found him and ya he's awesome. We'll be visiting with him again this Friday so that'll be cool. 

And then yesterday we had interviews with our mission president which took up our entire day as well. Since Elder Sudayon and I have been together for 2 transfers, one of us is bound to transfer, but since both of us got here at the same time it could be either of us.... ya president didn't give us any kind of hint hahaha. Sayang

But ya that was pretty much my week. Kana lang

Love ya! See ya in 🖐
Elder Shirley

Who's #1?  not Spencer ... jammed his finger on p-day

A Visit from Elder Clegg (Spencer's trainer) and his family ...

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

2020 Vision --January 7, 2020

Aight so this week has made things interesting...
 So there was another missionary leadership council and basically the biggest thing discussed was our smart phones and facebook. Pretty much from day one as a mission, when we got the smart phones, we've been trying to figure out what we can do to better keep missionaries focused on using these new phones/technology for the right purposes. We've had a lot of problems arise but we've also seen a lot of miracles take place. Basically our whole discussion was about whether or not we should just take away personal facebook accounts and only allow missionaries to use facebook pages. I think as a whole, when we all walked into the room, we all mostly just wanted to get rid of facebook, but there was one Elder (Elder Williams) who kinda changed everyone's perspective. In short he kinda just reminded everyone that this is something that other missions use and can handle and that it's something that even Elder Bednar has emphasized that we should learn to use properly while on the mission; that it'd be short-sighted to give up on something that can shape us into missionaries for even after the mission. 

So ya now as a mission we're looking to have 2020 vision, a more perfect vision of what we want the mission to look like. Lowkey turned into everyone admitting that as leaders we need to be more accountable and better examples of these things ourselves, but I think it'll really change the attitude of the mission and make people really care. 

Yesterday Elder Sudayon and I kinda talked with all the missionaries in Talisay and really encouraged everyone to strive to do better. I feel like it actually really connected us with everyone and really made me feel more love for them. Change can be hard, but that's what makes it worth it. 

I've realized just how great a feeling it is to be able to overcome something or finally accomplish something that required you to give your all. This year I'm looking to make a change in myself. I've made 20 goals for 2020. It ain't gonna be easy, but I know it'll be worth it. Part of our purpose in life is to do better, to be better. In the October 2018 General Conference, Jack N Gerard gave a talk titled, "Now is the Time." He basically talks a lot about the idea of striving to do better everyday.

"If there is something in your life worth changing, today is the perfect day to change." - Jack n Gerard (of the seventy)

That's the kinda attitude I'm striving to have this year. I'm gonna push myself to change and do better everyday.

Love ya,
Elder Shirley

20 Goals for 2020Part 1

1. Return with Honor
2. Personal Study EVERY day
3. Keep in touch with members, recent converts, gitudloans
4. Learn about Forgiveness
5. Learn about Finding Happiness
6. Don't be a returned missionary, return as a missionary
7. Do something nice for my comp daily
8. Learn to Cook (especially cheap stuff)
9. At least 8 hours of sleep every day
10. Keep house/apartment clean/organized
11. Get a job (not on Sunday)
12. Do something to get involved (Join a club, sport, etc.)
13. Make new friends in every class
14. Talk w/ family more (video calls, phone calls, whateva)
15. Do something fun every week
16. Practice piano/guitar
17. Get all A's (as kaya as possible)
18. Exercise
19. Visit temple at leasy 2x/month
20. Don't give up on my goals (#changetheplannotthegoal)
Part 2
"Set goals, make plans"

1a- make the most of every day (do what i can)
2a- make plan for study
2b- focus study on goal 4 & 5
3a- Add on facebook
3b- make BRs?
6a- maybe try posting spiritual stuff?
6b- look/pray for opportunties to share
7a- cook, clean, compliment, thank
8a- ask members for recipies
9a- goal includes naps :D
10a- dishes
10b- stay organized
11a- summer job
11b- after a couple weeks of school (get settled in first)
12a- attend football/sports games and other school events
12b- intermurals
13a- talk
13b- sit next to new people if needed
14a- tbd
15a- pday activities
15b- dates/adventures/events
16a- find a piano?
16b- find music
17a- study jud
17b- study groups?
18a- running
18b- work out (especially my knee)
19a- just do it (fit it into my schedule)
20a- write it down
20b- put it somewhere i can always see it
20c- don't forget!
20d- buhaton

Holidays, etc.

January 1st, 2020

Alright so because it's been the holiday season it's been kinda hard to visit people kay they all left to visit family or they're partying or there's something keeping them busy, buuuuuuut we've been having a lot of fun enjoying the holidays. 

We've been sharing a lot about Christ and his birth and ya I mean when you spend a couple solid weeks thinking about Christ and why his birth was so important, it kinda makes you appreciate things a little more. So ya I've really just been enjoying the spirit of Christmas and making the most of the holidays. 

We've had a lot of fun getting closer to the missionaries here in Talisay as well kay we've had a lot of opportunties to spend time with them between Zone Christmas/New Years Parties and doing Community Service Projects. I'm not gonna lie my pictures do a lot better at expressing it all but it's been really good. Sorry i didnt write last week and honestly not really much this week but I just hope everyone enjoys the Holidays and the special opportunities we have to grow closer to our loved ones. We live in a busy world with a lot going on so it's pretty great that we have a special opportunity to celebrate Christ and to grow closer to others.

Love yall,
Elder Shirley

Moving a bucket of ice cream ...

Light the World!

Dear Parents and Priesthood Leaders,

We would like to assure you that we continue to take action for your missionary's safety in preparation for the arrival of Tropical Storm PHANFONE (URSULA).

We have been in touch with mission leaders and senior missionary couples over each zone to ensure that missionaries are safe and secure in preparation for the arrival of the storm. Each missionary has been assisted to prepare sufficient food and water and to keep their smartphones fully charged.

Those assigned on Cebu Island will be attended to by missionaries who serve in the mission office. Missionaries assigned two or more hours away in Toledo, southern Cebu and Negros Island will have caring and capable senior couples who will watch over them along with their zone leaders, district leaders and sister training leaders.

Stake presidents and district presidents have also been requested to advise bishops and branch presidents to provide information and priority assistance to missionaries assigned to their wards and branches.

The latest weather update from the Philippines Area Office indicates Typhoon Signal # 1 over parts of the Cebu Mission for the next 24 hours. Occasional to frequent heavy rains are expected over central Cebu and northern Negros Provinces. No damaging winds are expected over the Cebu mission. 

Thank you for your faith and prayers.

President Abenir V. Pajaro
Philippines Cebu Mission

oooo.... Mango cake .... yummm..

Honoring the Shirley name ...

keeping up his skills ...

yo i forgot to mention in my email but we had a combined stake baptism where we had all the missionaries of 2 zones come and do their baptisms in the same chapel on the same day -- so that was also super cool and special. We weren't able to baptize any of the people we've been teaching, but we did baptize a child of record.

"Community Service Project" (CSP) ... helping the Sister missionaries move to a new apartment ... apparently it's easier to move a desk on your back?