Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Holidays, etc.

January 1st, 2020

Alright so because it's been the holiday season it's been kinda hard to visit people kay they all left to visit family or they're partying or there's something keeping them busy, buuuuuuut we've been having a lot of fun enjoying the holidays. 

We've been sharing a lot about Christ and his birth and ya I mean when you spend a couple solid weeks thinking about Christ and why his birth was so important, it kinda makes you appreciate things a little more. So ya I've really just been enjoying the spirit of Christmas and making the most of the holidays. 

We've had a lot of fun getting closer to the missionaries here in Talisay as well kay we've had a lot of opportunties to spend time with them between Zone Christmas/New Years Parties and doing Community Service Projects. I'm not gonna lie my pictures do a lot better at expressing it all but it's been really good. Sorry i didnt write last week and honestly not really much this week but I just hope everyone enjoys the Holidays and the special opportunities we have to grow closer to our loved ones. We live in a busy world with a lot going on so it's pretty great that we have a special opportunity to celebrate Christ and to grow closer to others.

Love yall,
Elder Shirley

Moving a bucket of ice cream ...

Light the World!

Dear Parents and Priesthood Leaders,

We would like to assure you that we continue to take action for your missionary's safety in preparation for the arrival of Tropical Storm PHANFONE (URSULA).

We have been in touch with mission leaders and senior missionary couples over each zone to ensure that missionaries are safe and secure in preparation for the arrival of the storm. Each missionary has been assisted to prepare sufficient food and water and to keep their smartphones fully charged.

Those assigned on Cebu Island will be attended to by missionaries who serve in the mission office. Missionaries assigned two or more hours away in Toledo, southern Cebu and Negros Island will have caring and capable senior couples who will watch over them along with their zone leaders, district leaders and sister training leaders.

Stake presidents and district presidents have also been requested to advise bishops and branch presidents to provide information and priority assistance to missionaries assigned to their wards and branches.

The latest weather update from the Philippines Area Office indicates Typhoon Signal # 1 over parts of the Cebu Mission for the next 24 hours. Occasional to frequent heavy rains are expected over central Cebu and northern Negros Provinces. No damaging winds are expected over the Cebu mission. 

Thank you for your faith and prayers.

President Abenir V. Pajaro
Philippines Cebu Mission

oooo.... Mango cake .... yummm..

Honoring the Shirley name ...

keeping up his skills ...

yo i forgot to mention in my email but we had a combined stake baptism where we had all the missionaries of 2 zones come and do their baptisms in the same chapel on the same day -- so that was also super cool and special. We weren't able to baptize any of the people we've been teaching, but we did baptize a child of record.

"Community Service Project" (CSP) ... helping the Sister missionaries move to a new apartment ... apparently it's easier to move a desk on your back?