Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Too lazy/busy? to write a real letter ....

What do you do for your daily exercise?
Push ups, sit ups, planks, etc.... basically anything that you can do without weights.

Do you go running at all? Or would that be too hard in the city?
It's too hard in the city, I'd love to go running but the roads are always too busy or under construction soooo no running.

Is the elder who was in the hospital for Dengue fever better? (I hope you learned how not fun it is and are using bug spray!)
Ya the elder is doing great now, it's really just like a week of suffering and then you're fine. But ya again our area is pretty safe so no need to worry about me getting Dengue.

I didn't see any seat, or water tank on the toilet - how do you flush it? (Bro. Harman is VERY concerned about the whole no toilet paper usage!!)
So ya we just don't have a toilet seat which is no big deal and then to flush the toilet we fill up a bucket of water and just pour it all into the toilet and it all gets flushed down. It's a pretty classy system to say the least. And like honestly the whole no toilet paper thing isn't nearly as bad as what you'd think so ya you get used to it.

Did you ever tell me if your camping sheet is working out? Do you wash it each week?
The sleeping bag liner is great. You really don't need anything more than that, because it is soooo hot. I got some sheets just to have something to wrap around the mattress though because all the mattresses here have been through a lot. But ya I try to wash it every week but siempre (of course) sometimes I forget since it's upstairs and the washer is downstairs.

Do you have to hang all your laundry to dry? Your washer looked small, does it work good?
So as part of the washer there's a separate spin cycle thingy that dries the clothes pretty well. Like the clothes aren't 100% dry afterwards but it gets them mostly dry so we just hang the the clothes out to finish drying. The washer is kinda small but you really don't have a ton of stuff you have to wash each week so it works. It does a pretty good job but if we happen to get a stain or something on our shirts then we normally hand wash because it's more effective at spot cleaning.

How many missionaries are in your area?
So I'm a part of Central zone which is tiny. There are two districts and each district has 2 sets of elders and 1 set of sisters. I think I told you already but Elder Clegg is actually the district leader for our district so ya that's fun.

How many wards are you assigned to?
We are assigned just to one, Sikatuna. There's generally like 80 people in our sacrament meetings.

You said your companion has been there for 6 months - is that typical? to be in an area for that long?
Ya not really. Generally 3 transfers is like the longest you'll be in an area.... Elder Clegg will have been in Sikatuna for 5 after next transfer. But ya more typically you're in an area between 1-3 transfers.

Did Tak go to church? Has he committed to baptism? Tell me about another investigator....
you mean Nat? He didn't go to church but that's just because his wife came back from a trip and they needed to open their restaurant since she hadn't been there in a while. He's still interested. He's doing a lot better about not smoking. He used to smoke 3 packs a day and now he's down to 1 a week so he's doing great. He wants to really know if the book of mormon is true before committing to anything so he's really started reading and praying so he's definitely improving. I don't really have time to talk about another investigator so maybe next time.

Did you have a zone conference? Were you able to see some of the missionaries you came out with?
I actually had zone conference yesterday so ya I got to see Elder King and Elder Stastny again so that was super fun. It was suuuuuper long but it was pretty good. I have a pic of my zone infront of the temple so I'll upload that.

What is your favorite thing about the Philippines so far? What has been the biggest surprise? What's the most frustrating?
My favorite thing would definitely be the people. The food is also awesome but the people are amazing. They're just so happy and humble and they're really fun to be around. Biggest surprise, no toilet paper... we all thought that was a joke. haven't really been that frustrated with anything yet. Just enjoying the work, good and the bad. I mean I still don't understand people completely but the language is coming and I'm improving so I can't really complain.

Do you know where you will watch Conference in a few weeks? What time will it be broadcast there?
Honestly I only just realized that it was September so ya I didn't even realize conference was in just a few weeks. So ya probably Labangon, that's where are stake center is so we'll probably be watching it there. And ya I have no clue when we'll broadcast it.

Ya i got lazy this week so I didn't really want to answer in paragraph form. Plus I don't have a ton of time left because I tried to email other people first. But ya this week has been good. Looks like you're still having fun up in Alaska. I can't believe how different the house is going to be when I get back. Looks good though. Elder Clegg thinks that I shouldn't have told you that I don't have toilet paper because you'll send me a bunch of wipes now. Don't do it, I'll be fine. Send me treats instead. Oh I made a christmas list for you because I forgot to do it before I left. But I don't have time so remind me next week.

Love you! Miss you! Amping!
Elder Shirley

temple after session

Elder Clegg and I bored on a jeepney ride back to our area