Friday, September 13, 2019


small Jack Fruit

Sometimes, Missionaries have leadership meetings in areas that they served in earlier in their mission ... and sometimes, they get to see people from that area!

Sometimes you get stuck in the mud ... even cows ...

Elder Jones's favorite tie

Sometimes missionaries take naps ... aren't they cute when they sleep?!

Apparently missionaries LOVE taking pictures of bugs!

Sometimes, it's raining so hard you have to find a giant leaf to use as an umbrella!

yep, more bugs ...

mostly missionaries serve, but sometimes they get to wear the yellow vest...

LOTS of times, missionaries get to see AMAZING sunsets ....

This missionary is very proud of the shirt he designed ...

uh huh ... more bugs...
too bad I can't load the VIDEOS!!!
There is a CRAZY one of a little boy PLAYING with huge spiders!!