Thursday, November 21, 2019


Tuesday November 12, 2019

Alright so we haven't gotten transfer calls yet so we're just gonna be chillin in an internet-han while we wait for the calls. Elder Auva'a is training so he's already left for Cebu so I'm with Elder North for now. He's Elder Jones batch and ya he's pretty chill. I don't really know what to expect for the next transfer but I guess we'll just see in another hour or so.

This past week Elder Auva'a and I saw a lot of random miracles happen and it's been awesome. That lady that we met in Purok Paglaum worked out. She actually has been looking for some help and inspiration in her life. She's kinda in a really tough situation and when she met us on the road it was kinda the thing she really needed. The other night we also got a random call from someone who was taught by missionaries before. They missed the missionaries and wanted us to come and visit. Well we found their house and are now visiting her as well. And THEN there was also someone that Elder Auva'a taught about 2 months ago that we found again, but this time we're not just teaching her, we're teaching her entire family too. So ya just a lot of random miracles kinda happened and so ya it was a good way to end the transfer. There was also a TON of members that we've been working with to try and encourage to come back to church, that actually came to church this last sunday. As in our Sacrament attendance went from 130 to 160 solely from those people that came back to Church. So ya that was a REALLY good way to end the transfer. Escalante Ward has been fun. The members are great and the work is really starting to get going. I'm a little sad that I'll be transferring but I'd definitely say it's Elder Auva'a's time to train. He'll do good here in Escalante. I can't wait to see all the people we've been working with progress in the gospel and continue to change their lives.

Love ya!
Elder Shirley

"Salt Flats" -- fields that they fill with salt water from the ocean, let evaporate and then harvest the salt ...

Burning Sugar Cane

Storm coming in and flooded steps ...

Members "remodeling" their house