Thursday, November 21, 2019

Zone Leader of Talisay Zone

Temple Complex CJCLDS
Gorordo St. Lahug
6000 Cebu City

November 19, 2019

Dear Brother and Sister Shirley,

I am happy to report that your son, Elder Spencer David Shirley, has been called as a Zone Leader, and has been assigned to Talisay Zone. Elder Shirley has demonstrated leadership ability in other callings and has a great understanding of the spiritual nature of this work, which will help qualify him for this calling.

The additional responsibilities of a Zone Leader will mean that he will spend hours teaching, training, and assisting with the spiritual and physical needs of the missionaries in his zone. In addition, it will be necessary for him to be an outstanding example in all aspects of missionary life. I believe that he can carry out these responsibilities very well.

The Cebu Mission has many challenges in communication and transportation with the several islands that are in our mission. Zone Leaders here have an even greater challenge than those in more established missions of the Church. This provides opportunities for greater growth and maturity.

I want you to know that your son has accomplished much in this mission, and he is worthy to be given this important calling.

May I suggest that you continue to support him with your encouragement and prayers, as Sister Pajaro and I will certainly be doing.

Warmest regards,

Abenir V. Pajaro
Philippines Cebu Mission