Sunday, March 1, 2020

Morag upat na lang di ba? (rough translation "doesn't it seem like 4 days?"

Tuesday February 18, 2020

Well since my last pday was like 4 days ago not a ton has happened. We had Stake conference which was cool. I dont know if it's happening outside the Philippines but they're really pushing for this thing called "Linking Arms" where Members and Missionaries really work together to support and strengthen Part Member Families. The idea is super solid and I can't imagine how awesome the work would be if it's fully implemented. Some wards have already really started working with missionaries to identify Part Member Families that missionaries could visit with the assigned ministering brothers and sisters for those families. We've already seen some really good success from it. Families coming back to church, friends and family entering the waters of baptism. It's been cool to see members truly being missionaries themselves. Elder Sudayon and I have been trying to find some new people to add to our teaching pool, we have a few new promising people right now but hopefully we'll see even more success as we work with members to visit part member families.

That's all for now. We have zone con this upcoming friday and I might finally have my interview with President so we'll see what happens.

Love ya!
Elder Shirley