Sunday, March 1, 2020


Tuesday February 4, 2020

Transfers! Elder Sudayon and I are still in Talisay together! This'll be our 3rd transfer together! It should be good. We got some new potential we're working with and the work looks like it's gonna continue. The rest of our zone is gonna be moving around a bit though. We got a couple missionaries training (shout out to my brother of the mission Elder Dutson) and just a few others getting shuffled around the mission.

A couple days ago we FINALLY found a new house kay the house we've been living in has a ton of problems. We're actually gonna be moving into a totally new house (that's actually reeeeeally nice) with the elders from Pardo and it's actually gonna save the mission a ton of money. The senior couples over housing and even President Pajaro were actually all very excited about it for us hahaha.

This upcoming friday we're having a special conference thing with President and Sister Schmutz (area presidency president/wife) and Sister Bingham (general relief society president). So ya should be cool.

Oh i also have worms again. I pretty much spent my day yesterday waiting at a clinic just to have them tell me i have to poop in a cup. So ya hopefully that's all over soon 😅

Sorry that was all just kinda random but ya that was pretty much my whole week.

Love ya!
Elder Shirley