Friday, October 12, 2018

Average life of a missionary

Not a ton happened this week, we have a couple new people we're teaching, had a could people we had to drop, pretty much the average life of a missionary. The area is still moving forward though. We started teaching this 13 year old guy and he's really been getting into the lessons and he's been inviting all his friends so that's been cool. I went on exchanges this last monday with Elder Gutual and that was interesting. He's actually from my batch so we basically had 2 trainees in an area. He's bisaya daan (like he already knows bisaya) so between the 2 of us we had some good lessons. Later today we're going to try making Mango Floats so that'll be exciting. But ya sorry I can't really write much. It was just a pretty mellow week. OH the office tried to tell us that 6 people got dengue, it was really just 1. I think they just try to scare us into using bug spray here.

Anyways that's pretty much it, I'll try to write more next week.

Sounds like you're doing well though and that you had a good time in utah. And so UTah state won???? ha in your face.

Love you! Gihigugma tika!
Elder shirley

And then we also had to chase a goat off the church property and I snagged this pic

I got a small set of scriptures and I made a box for it out of liahona magazines....

Then I took some more nametag pics for ya...