Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Another week gone...

My week was alright. 

For my interview with Elder Wakolo he just asked me about my family and about how I was adjusting to the field. 

Last pday we mainly just got groceries and then walked around and found 8 barbershops that were all closed so we didn't get a haircut last week. 

For conference last wednesday it was just like a normal zone conference except that we had Elder Wakolo do all of the workshops/teaching so that was cool. He's awesome. As part of the mission tour he essentially went to all of the zone conferences so everyone got an opportunity to see and hear from him. 
yes i'm taking lots of pics and writing lots. (in fact if you could send me another memory card thing for my camera that'd be great) 

The hardest part of my mission has probably just been not understanding/being able to speak the language. It's really hard to do the work/grow closer to others when I don't understand what they're saying or they can't understand what i'm saying. But it's getting better. I'm still improving and getting better and I know I'll get there some day so I just keep trying. I actually haven't really missed home at all, at least not yet. There's been a number of missionaries that it's been really hard for them but I haven't really had a problem with it yet. 

The rainy season has started but it generally will only rain for about an hour about every other day so it hasn't really gotten that bad yet.

I do carry my photobook with me but I haven't had a ton of opportunities to share it. Generally when getting to know people we try to focus the conversation on them, not on ourselves, so I don't show it to people that often.

This week we started teaching a couple new people and we've had kuyogs so we've been able to teach more of our investigators. Hopefully the work will continue to pick up. Right now the work is doing better in some areas than others but overall we're doing pretty good.

I'm pretty kapoy {exhausted} so I'll probably just send a ton of pics now. oh we also went to a family day thing so hopefully I can send some of the videos from that.

Gihigugma tika!
Elder shirley

Cebu Heritage momument. featuring Lapu-Lapu the one credited by the Philippians to have killed Magellan.

president pajaro, and sister pajaro - ME - elder wakolo, sister wakolo,

Mango float (cake looking thing)

a gang that we generally deal with 2 or 3 times a week

more floods

the river outside our house after a flood

Exchanges with Elder Sudayon and another flood

a street that we end up at a lot