Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The bugs really aren't that bad ...

man so many questions... so little time.... I'll try my best to answer them but we'll see how long my motivation lasts.... 

Sige, so the ward is awesome. We have like 16 Ward Missionaries that are like crazy helpful and awesome so that's been great. The members really want to help others and to build one another up so that's been cool as well. They really push a ward missionary effort here which has been really nice as well. Right now we've been teaching a lot of new people recently. We have this 13 yr old that we're teaching and through him we've started teaching like 8 other people so that's been awesome. 

Advenutres..... I don't know, we made a better mango float last week so that was chill. I think we're trying again later today. 

mmmmmm oh so kids here will fight spiders. Like they put a couple spiders on a stick and will have them fight. So a bunch of kids have like a spider collection and will fight and trade spiders. It's soooo weird here. 

Personal study I've been reading a lot in Alma and trying to use the missionary stories there to improve myself as a missionary. 

So I like really love the food here. It's amazing. But the people here are so nice and awesome and friendly and like dang I don't know they're hard to describe but they're great. I can't wait until I can really speak and understand the language so that I can really grow closer to the people I meet. Also I've only had like 2 companions so far so it's kinda hard to have a favorite. 

The bugs really aren't that bad. As long as we have a fan on us while we sleep the mosquitoes don't really bother us at all. We've had a couple spiders in our house like once, about 10 weeks ago. We have cockroaches but we spray the house down with bug killer every few weeks so whenever they come into our house they just kinda die. 

The sun actually isn't bad here at all. I'll admit that I haven't really been using sun screen but i haven't burned once since being here. 
Ya again not a ton happened this week. I'm on my last week of 12 weeks and I'm soooo ready to be done. Transfers are coming up next week so I should find out who my new companion is by next wednesday so that'll be interesting.

Love ya! Hope you're doing well! Enjoy Hawaii! The hardest part about serving on an Island is that you can't actually enjoy island life so that's been annoying.
Nahigugma ko nimo!
Elder Shirley

Round 2 of mango floats

kid's spider collection

probably the only time I'll ever eat at Pizza hut while on my mission (it's sooo mahal as missionaries)

 temple after interviews

 new family/ friends we starting teaching and the FHE we had at their house

Ward missionaries at an FHE