Monday, December 23, 2019

Tuesday December 17, 2019

Alright so this past week was ridiculous. We didn't get to work much in our area kay there were 2 elders with ingrown toenails and they both just got their ingrowns surgically removed so they can't really walk around much. Soooo because of that we've been doing a mix of exchanges with their companions so that they can all hopefully still reach their goals for a White Christmas. It's been good though other than that. 

We were finally able to work again in our area on Sunday and Tuesday so we were able to follow-up with everyone we've been teaching and they're all doing good. The holiday season really helps. 

We've got a Ward Christmas party this Friday and I mean no one's gonna turn down a Christmas Party so that's been a really easy invitation to give people hahaha. We also have transfers this week so that'll be interesting. There's not a ton of new faces here in Talisay, in fact one of the areas here just closed so now we have less missionaries here, but everyone that's staying and everyone that's coming in should be awesome so I'm looking forward to this transfer. I feel like this is going to be a really fun Christmas. Even if Elder Sudayon and I aren't going to have a White Christmas ourselves, I'm just really getting into the Christmas spirit and ya it's gonna be great.

 OH my sister batch should be on their way home now so that's crazy. I still feel like we haven't been out that long but I guess time flies on the mission sometimes. Oh and we also had a Graduation/Farewell/Birthday/Christmas Party after District Council on Monday so that was super fun. Basta lots of pics, so I'll make sure to upload those some time today.

Hope yall have a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
Elder Shirley

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Light the World

Tuesday December 10, 2019

Well this week has been chill. We went on exchanges with the Elders in Pardo before going to a meeting with our Stake President about our plans for a white christmas. Since there's 2 zones under the same stake we're planning on combining the baptisms for the 2 zones on the Dec 28. It should be cool. Our stake president was super excited about it and already has a bunch of plans to make it great. 

Then on Sunday we were able to find some really potential people so our work here just seems to keep picking up and it's been awesome. We finally know the area so we've been stressing less about that and even all the other missionaries here in Talisay have really started working hard so that's been awesome to see. 

And ya it's the CHRISTMAS season!!!! So ya missionary work is just super fun to begin with. It's so easy to talk with people during december, at least for me it feels that way. Everyone is excited and happy to talk about Christ it's awesome. We also had Christmas Conference yesterday. There were some awesome christmas skits. Hopefully i can get my hands on a copy of all the skits and send them. 

It was weird to see my sister batch give their farewell testimonies. I dont think it's fully hit me yet that they're going home or that I only have 6 months left. I guess I just kinda feel like I still got a lot left I need to do so no point on thinking too much about it. I feel good though. I feel confident. I feel like I'm becoming who Heavenly Father wants me to become and I'm happy to give it my all these next 6 months. I feel as though I've really come to experience the blessings of becoming a disciple of Christ on my mission. In Matthew 16: 24-25 it says...

24 ¶ Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

I had a lot of doubts at times about serving my mission, but I've found that I truly have found myself more in losing myself in the cause of Christ. Everything about serving is worth it. Every trial, discouragement, or disappointment I have ever experienced has been worth it.

I also want to just encourage everyone to take up the Light the World challenge and find a way to serve someone everyday. If you need suggestions there's a calender of suggestions online at

Love ya
Elder Shirley


Typhoon Tisoy

Tuesday December 3, 2019

Alright so this past week was quick. Well i mean i started it off last week with a fever so that was lame. But ya other than that we had a baptism this last Saturday! Sister Joyce came from a part-member family and was super eager and happy to learn about the gospel. She's awesome. Other than that on Sunday we had attended a high council meeting and discussed having a combined zone/stake white christmas baptism. So our Stake here in Talisay is actually made up of two zones, Talisay and Carcar zone. Soooo the idea is that both zones would gather to one church on one saturday in December and just have a bunch of baptisms all at once. It should be super cool so we're all pretty excited for it. I was also able to do exchanges yesterday with Elder Henrie which was super fun. He's kinda young on the mission but he's doing great. He's already training another Elder and theyre doing great as well. It's been fun working with and helping other missionaries here. Basically always keeps us busy and on our toes. Not a whole lot of time to rest or relax but we're still having a great time here. This work is totally true. This work changes lives.

Love yas,
Elder Shirley

PS. i forgot to mention weve been having a typhoon hitting us; Typhoon Tisoy. As usual it doesnt really affect us in Cebu but Elder Henrie and I did get pretty soaked yesterday so i guess we did get some rain. Kana ra