Monday, December 2, 2019

Tuesday November 26, 2019

aight so we'll see how this email goes kay i got a fever right now so I don't know if this'll be super long or not.

This past week went alright. We've finally been able to work in our area a little more and it's going good. We're either the luckiest missionaries ever or God's been helping us out a lot hahaha. We've found most of the people that were taught by the elders before. 

We also had Zone Interviews so I got a chance to really get to know all of the missionaries here in Talisay while President and Sister Pajaro did interviews. I also got the chance to go on exchanges and work with Elder Andrew. He was the Elder assigned here before we whitewashed the area so he was able to show me around a little bit and help introduce me to some of the people he had been teaching that we hadn't found yet. but ya it was a little bit of bad timing because it was right before exchanges when I got my fever. It wasn't too bad though and we were able to work the whole day. 

Today we also started practicing for our Zone skit kay it's almost Christmas Con! So ya that should be awesome. Sorry that this won't be my best email ever but ya i gotta take a nap kay ya I'm dying hahaha.

Love ya!
Elder Shirley