Monday, February 18, 2019


The work is doing alright. Still just struggling with finding new people but that'll always be the struggle. We generally bike most of the time unless we're going to an area that's like waaaaay out there, then we normally take a bus. We do have a couple new investigators. So 2 of them were actually medyo former investigators so they actually came up to us in Church and pretty much just asked when they could be baptized so that was awesome. And then we have been running into a ton of people's extended family so we are really hoping that we can start visiting all of these people we keep running into randomly but ya we'll see. The branch is kinda small but I mean ya it's a branch. There church building is nice though kay it was built like 5 years ago. There apparently at one time was 2 sets of missionaries here but now it's just me and my companion. And ya we got "new emails" but ya they're just going to forward everything that gets sent from the old email to this one so don't worry about changing the address or anything. sorry I realized I haven't really been sharing that many spiritual experiences or anything in a while. So ya I guess one of the things that was cool for me this week was the opportunity to really explain how the atonement works to one of our recent converts. Kay usually when teaching about the atonement we don't go super in depth about how it works or anything but since this was like the 3 time she had been learning about Christ's atonement I decided we'd actually explain to her how it works and everything. It was super cool. It really strengthened my faith and kinda gave myself a reminder about how merciful and loving our heavenly father is and how incredible Christ's sacrifice really was. But ya i absolutely love it here. I think that my area might be one of the most beautiful places on earth. I'd 100% move here if I actually had money, a job, and a life. But ya it's just like life here is so much more simple and the nature here is absolutely incredible.

Ah man I miss real pizza.... It's been so long... And I can't wait to meet the puppy we should've gotten like 3 years ago. I'm still trying to wrap my head around how that even happened but i mean I can't complain too much. There'll at least be a dog when I get back. Sorry Kinda tired so i'm cutting this short. Just look at my pics, I swear they'll make up for my lack of writing.

Love yous,
Elder Shirley

so quick explanation of the pics from this week. They burn the fields of sugar cane to like clean them or something??? so ya that's what the fire pics are (kay they always burn the fields at night) Then they also always make these rock piles in the fields from when they originally tried clearing the field for the Tubo so we took some dramatic pics on top of the rock piles. And then I also managed to find enough ingredients to make french toast so that was awesome.