Wednesday, March 27, 2019


yo i'm not sure if i can call this week but we can kinda message each other in a little while. I'm just going to send out messages to others real quick and then i'll use the hangout thing when i have the chance but you should send me back an email real quick to let me know if you're actually awake....

well crap i didn't actually read your email till now.... I was surprised to actually find myself tearing up in an internetan of all places. Well that's not exactly the kind of news I was expecting to get this week. (my dad is refusing any further medical treatment and his heart seems to be failing) Kinda makes everything else seem immensely less important. But I think that's kinda what i really realized this past transfer or so, that family really truly is an eternal thing. I always "knew" that before but it has just seemed to have had a special emphasis recently. 

Here in the Philippines people of course don't exactly have it as easy as others. Especially here in the Bukid where I serve. everyone has really humble lifestyles. There are a lot of people who just live in small little bamboo huts with not a whole lot else other than basic cooking materials and clothes. But because of that, Family has a very special place in the hearts of the people here. All that people really want is to be with their families. They don't need a whole lot else other than that. I guess I also just started to realize how much the gospel truly has blessed me and my family. That's one of the basic principals that we always share but it was just about a transfer or 2 ago that I really recognized how blessed I've been because of the gospel. I guess I'd really just like to thank you guys (my family) all the much more because of that. I've come across a number of families that I can only imagine how much better there lives would be if they received the gospel or how much more united their families would be if they supported one another more through the gospel. I've only made it this far because of how much the gospel has been in my life because of goodly parents, supportive siblings and their examples, and the love and support of my extended family as well. The gospel truly does bless families. Families truly are made eternal through his gospel. And because of all that, I know that what ever happens, I'll see grandpa again. I only wish I could thank him for how much he's really been a part of my life in helping strengthen me in the gospel. Even if I didn't get to actually spend a lot of my life with him, he's been extremely influential to me and our family and I just really hopes he knows how much i love him and how much I appreciate all that he's done for me.

ya i can't really write anything else other than that,
elder shirley

my camera died when we were going up to the falls for our zone activity so hopefully next week I can get the pics from someone and send them to you. but ya there's pics from my exchanges with my zone leader and my speaker that got bamboofied.