Wednesday, November 7, 2018

October 30, 2018

Sooooo we just got transfer calls! Like literally this morning. Elder Clegg will be transferring to San Nicolas and he'll be Zone Leader for Central Zone (Our current zone) so ya he didn't make it very far. I'll be followed up by Elder Guiuo, he's a filipino that's in his last transfer of his mission so that means I'll most likely be in Sikatuna for the next 2 transfers.... so I'll be here for a while...

But ya finished 12 weeks and all that so that's been awesome. This last week we actually went around looking for a new place to live because our landlord was going to raise our rent so we couldn't afford to live there, but thankfully they decided they're going to not raise the rent so we'll be able to live in our same balay. Yesterday we had to pay our water bill which we can normally do in a 7-11 but we went to like 8 of them and none of them were working so we had to go all the way to the bottom of our area to the actual water maintanance building to pay the bill. It was like a DMV on steroids... it was so bad. OH and a member wanted us to come do service at her house at 5am so we woke up at 4am to get there at 5am and then we got punted. She was asleep jud. We were soooo tired.

This past week was actually really good though. One of the member's in our ward and his sister/friends staying in his apartment for a few days while they were coming back from a vacation and Elder Clegg and I got an opportunity to teach them. It was cool because they actually preferred to be taught in English so we taught everything in English and then they were actually all really religious so they were really intrigued by our message. That's the thing here, like everyone is actually really religious here so we actually find people that are really interested in what we have to say. It's awesome. OH and a former investigator of ours like out of the blue contacted us and now we are teaching her again. It's been really good.

If you want to try what I've eaten a lot you'll have to look for "giniling" (cebuano) or it's also called "sigsig" (Tagalog). You could also just get Lechon Manok, that's another good one. But ya just make sure you eat a ton of rice with it or it's not filipino. And ya if the typhoon hits Luzon then it doesn't effect us at all so all these typhoons that have been happening have had zero effects on my area.

Alright that's pretty much it for this week, my computer is kinda spazzing out so I can't really send pics right now.

But ya I love you! Hope you're doing well and having a fun time with dad in Hawaii!
Elder Shirley