Wednesday, November 7, 2018

November 6, 2018

So last week Elder Clegg and I celebrated finishing my training/12 weeks with drinking a little sparkling juice and burning my 12 weeks pamphlet so that was fun. 

I got my new companion, Elder Guiuo, this last Thursday. He is from Quezon City, Philippines so he's a filipino but he originally only spoke Tagalog so he had to learn Cebuano here as well. He's in his last transfer right now so he'll go home in December. It's only been a few days since I've started working with him but we're still progressing the area. It's been nice kay since he's been in the mission so long he really knows Bisaya so he's been helping learn a lot of new words and phrases and stuff. 

Right now we're working really hard to finish the lessons with one of the people we are teaching so that they can be baptized on Nov 17. He's doing really good and there's only a few lessons left for us to teach so it looks like he'll be getting baptized on that date! 

Sorry I don't have a lot of pics or stories from this last week. Hopefully I'll have more to share next week, but that's all for now.

(I asked about a video on Spencer's google drive that had Elder Clegg hoping on a broom)Ya elder clegg was trying to make one of those videos where it looks like you're riding a broomstick but ya he failed jud. Hahaha.  

Oh and ya thanks for all the pics of everything, I love seeing pics of y'all/home and what not.  And it's good to know I can look forward to a trip somewhere after I graduate ;)

(google hangouts for Christmas call?)
I'm pretty sure google hangouts is bawaled (forbidden) for us so I don't think that'll be how I call y'all. I'll still be here for christmas and I already know where I'll be facetiming you so I'll talk to them some time and ask. Or you can add them on facebook or something, they're like super nice and friendly and are kinda like family for all the missionaries that serve in Sikatuna. Their last name is Osumo but I'm not a 100% sure what the mom's first name is.

Love ya! Thanks for all the support and everything!
Elder Shirley

Oh and I got to play basketball with the district this morning so that was fun. It's cool kay a new batch of missionaries came in so there's a new elder in my district so I'm not the youngest in the district anymore! Yay! It feels really nice actually, hahaha

Ward Members in the area

Celebrating completion of 12 week training!

ps my companion is the one in a grey shirt and yellow shorts in the basketball pics