Wednesday, November 21, 2018


So supposedly there's a big storm that's suppose to hit Cebu but it was actually supposed to hit yesterday and it hasn't really been raining much today so ya walay bagio. So that's been lame. 

But ya this week Shawn got baptized! Yaaaaaaay! And ya right now it's looking like his sister will be baptized next week so that's super cool too. But ya his baptism was really good. A new investigator of ours actually came so that was cool. He's accepted a baptismal date already and if he keeps up with everything then we might be having a white christmas (baptism on christmas day). And ya we baptize in our church house so no ocean pics. And ya so our church meetings are like 70% english, 30% bisaya, kay my area has a lot of people that move in and out of the ward for work or school or whatever so they try to speak in english as much as possible because it's more of a universal language for the philippines. 

So ya that's been nice. My lessons with elder clegg have been good, the person we're teaching is progressing and we got him a baptismal date as well so ya he's doing awesome. Oh and a cool thing that happened this week. We went to a Barangay Hall (it's like a township thingy) to talk with some people kay we're trying to clear up our member list/ find less actives kay our member list says there's 596 members in our ward but I've never seen more than 100 at sacrament meeting. So ya we went to this barangay hall to see if they had any way of telling us if some people had moved out and the barangay captain saw us and immediately invited us into his office. Turns out he works for the church on like different projects like managing/overseeing the construction of church buildings and temples. so like ya that was super cool. He was super friendly and helpful and we might be able to find a bunch of service opportunities now to help the community. So ya that was awesome.

 And ya I do know Quinton, you should tell me where he's going once he opens it. Nah I haven't gotten an email from devin but ya I saw the pic of allie and ya dang. When is she due again? Like december di ba? And pastilan what's going on with fires in the states. Second coming must be close. Ya know I keep asking people about their christmas traditions and it seems like none of them really have anything special. I'm also in the ghetto though so for a lot of people they can't necessarily afford to do anything for Christmas :/  I've seen that you can order nativites in the mission office so maybe I'll do that before I leave kay I don't want to move it around for the next 1.5 years.

But ya, kana ra (that's all) for now.
Elder Shirley

Oh and we did a family home evening kind of thing with the Ward Missionaries at a member's house and also there was a Toko (a bigger tiki lizard that makes a "to-ko" kind of sound) at the zone leader's house so there's a pic of that as well.

Pics: Baptism pics, the girls at the baptism are Shawn's sisters. We also had that giant centipede thing in our house for like the 5th time. and then ya i took some pics of Mikay (bisaya for Kitty-kat) and a members dog and then also I let a member's kid run around with my camera so there's a bunch of pics of random stuff as well....