Thursday, June 27, 2019

Tuesday June 25, 2019

Yooo so limited on time kay we're going to the temple and that's going to eat up all the time we have for pday. Soooo keeping it short. So this past week we had another baptism which was great, her name is Monique Labor. She's 18 and ya she's good. Baptized na. Oh ya and shoot i hit my year mark last Thursday. It was cool kay we had MLC last Thursday so like 11/15 ys from my batch so we got a cool pic outside the temple. As far as the work has been going here it's kinda been slow. We dont really have a whole lot of people progressing right now so we've just been doing a lot of finding. It's been cool though kay Elder Schmutz pretty much called out our mission and told everyone that he thinks we could be doing a lot more. So he challenged all of us to do more street contacts and to really commit to aiming for our standards of excellence and ya it's made a huge different in the work. We're already seeing more blessings in the work that'll hopefully lead to miracles. I also worked in Lutopan this week on exchanges and it was super cool. Lutopan is literal bukid. Like it's literally just mountain. It's a reeeeally cool area but ya kinda forgot to take pictures. I'll be going back next week though for exchanges with some other elders in Lutopan so I'll hopefully get some pics next time.

But ya kana ra,
Elder Shirley