Friday, June 21, 2019

Yooooooooooo tomorrow's the year mark!!!!

Tuesday June 18, 2019 (Wednesday June 19th in the Philippines)

Yaaaaa so this past week we've been very limited on actually doing work because a lot has just been happening. Saturday we baptized Mae Ann (19), Jessa (16), and Joany (11) PaƱares. We had to do it in the morning so not a whole lot of people came but it was still really good. They all had really powerful testimonies and it was awesome. 

But ya i also got my 2nd and 3rd injections for the Rabies vaccination and ya lets just say if you're going to get bit, dont let any of your fingers get bitten kay it'll freaking hurt and they'll also stab your legs. So ya those visits ate up a ton of time so that was lame. 

And then yesterday President Schmutz came here to Toledo for a mission tour and ya that was really cool too. Any time he comes to my mission here i can just tell how much he truly loves it here and truly just wants us to take care of all the people he loves. He was a mission president here in Cebu before and he literally knows nearly every single member by name in the whole mission. He can tell you a story about just about everyone here and it's just really inspiring seeing how much he truly does care about every single soul here. 

But ya that was kinda all that happened this past week. We'll hopefully be having another baptism this upcoming weekend so that'll be awesome. Oh and I'll be going to a missionary leadership conference tomorrow so that'll be awesome kay almost all of my batch will be together for our year mark! So ya cool times

Love ya,
Elder Shirley

Elder King -- MTC companion

Elder Clegg- Trainer