Wednesday, October 23, 2019

16 months na

Well this past week was pretty good. We worked a lot with members to build some relationships with some potential people to teach and ya it's been going good. Basta ya the area is really starting to turn around so that's been cool to see and experience. Hopefully we'll be able to keep up this effort we're making to work with members to bring the work forward here in Escalante. 

We also had Zone Conference this last Monday which was alright. Kinda small this time kay we only had 2 zones there but it was still good. I mean in all honesty there's really not much I really can say this week but I'm doing good. The work is going here. 

I just again want to emphasize how important members are to our work as missionaries. If we as missionaries work all on our own we can't do much, but with the support of our members, no matter what their age, knowledge, or testimony of the gospel is, great things can happen. Missionary work doesn't have to be anything more than having a conversation with a friend. Elder Holland once promised that if we "be genuine and reach out sincerely, ask what matters most to them, what do they cherish, what do they hold dear... what they say will ALWAYS highlight a truth of the gospel about which you can bear testimony and about which you can then offer more." Talk with your friends and your loved ones, listen, and take courage. I've heard of many experiences where others were brought unto Christ solely because of the loving efforts made by those they were close with to share just simple testimonies of something they knew would be important to them.

ayaw undang, padayon lang
(don't quit, just continue)

Elder Shirley

Defrosting the freezer with an iron?

P-Day Sunrise hike


Monday, October 21, 2019

Tuesday October 15, 2019

Alright well this past week was great. I mean not a ton has happened work wise but I love having the opportunity to watch general conference. There's so many things being revealed in our time and their messages are always so key to us being able to obtain more happiness in our lives now and an eternal happiness in the life to come. 

So here in Escalante they have recently split the Ward so there are two sets of missionaries in our ward. That means we've been working with a smaller area and have been trying to increase a teaching pool. We have a really cool guy that we've been teaching though. His name is Mark Visca. He's one of the most golden people I've ever met. Elder Auva'a and his last companion met him one night while they were looking for a returning member. He welcomed them in and he's been awesome. He just has a really good understanding of the things that we've shared with him and he really sees it's significance. He's invited himself to church this Sunday so hopefully we'll be able to take a picture with him at church this Sunday. 

Here in Escalante it's been kinda fun. It's got a really small town kinda feel to it but it's nice. There's lots of Sugar Cane and we've got pink Caribou so that's cool. and ya I mean we really don't have a ton going on right now but we're still having a good time. We got some chill members working with us and they've been helping me learn Hilanggo. Oh ya since we're on the border of Bacolod mission, there's a LOT of Hilanggo here. It's super fun though. It's got a cool accent and ya I think I'm gonna actually try and learn it.

But ya probably just that for now. Love ya! Amping!
Elder Shirley






pink Caribou