Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Hapit na -- September 24th

Alright so there's a lot of things that will almost happen or have almost happened this past week. Hence "hapit na" or ya in english, almost. 

This last week we had Zone conference and the biggest thing thats been getting pushed is to really put in the effort so that we can get 100 baptisms in one month as a mission. Last month was the closest we'd ever been with 97. This month it looks like we'll make it. We're almost there, we have one weekend left and we're already at 90+. 

This last Sunday we also got the Pantonial Family to come to Church again! This time more of them came. Not quite all of them but we're almost there. 

I also realized that chances are I'll transfer next week so I'm almost done with my time here in Toledo. I must say it's been a grind here in Toledo. It's really made me have to push myself a whole lot more. I had to start doing things that I hadn't ever done or tried before. But I mean I guess that is what I've been asking for. I've been trying to figure out what I could do to just be better. To work a little harder, trust God a little more, and to overall just be more happy. Well Toledo has been the exhausting. I've had to really give it my all. In some areas you can kinda just casually do the work and stuff will happen on its own. Not here. I've never had to talk with so many people in my life. I've never had to walk so far or in such hot weather. (I've literally come home drenched in sweat a number of times and I didn't think that was a legit thing that could happen.) And yet ya we haven't had a lot of baptisms or we haven't really been able to get people to come back to church, but I mean I'm honestly ok with it. I think i used to have a kinda attitude where i thought i deserved to have more people to teach or that i deserved to have more people come to church or etc. 

Well i think I've been humbled a bit because of this area. A definition that I like of Humility is of one's acknowledgment of their constant need of God's help in their life. I've never had to rely so much on God to really push me forward with the work these past few transfers. He's helped me change and grow so much. I feel more confident in myself, especially as a missionary and as a son of God, than i ever had before. Things arent always going to work out the way we want them to. Even if we do kneel down and pray for things to happen, sometimes they wont happen. But i can promise you that God will answer your prayers, sometimes he just has better things planned for us that we cant understand right now. His plan is to make us happy, as long as we come unto him I can promise you that you will find happiness, even greater happiness than you can imagine. Have Faith in him and he will lead you.

Gihigugma mo sa diyos,
Elder Shirley

"wildlife", food, and bugs ... that's what Elder Shirley likes to take pictures of ... oh, and sunsets ...

At first I thought he was excited to see European chocolate ... then I realized he was saying I love you, Mom!  :)