Tuesday, October 1, 2019

TRANSFERS! October 1, 2019

Transfers! I dont actually have my transfer call yet, I'm just writing my email now kay I'll be busy with packing and everything later. So ya the one thing I'm sure of is that I'll transfer but other than that I have no clue what'll happen. This past week was alright. We had District Conference and Interviews with President Pajaro. For District Conference they really just focused on what kind of efforts they need to make so that they could become a stake. Right now the District is actually in the process of getting approved but there's still a number of things that need to be done. But ya exciting times. But ya I honestly dont have a lot to say. I'll maybe write again later when I get the transfer call so I'll let ya know where I'll be the next transfer or so.

Love ya,
Elder Shirley

Can you translate this sign?

Clearly it says, "Coal, for sale one fifty" wompiptey=one fifty