Friday, July 27, 2018

Escape from Alcatraz

So just a quick story but basically last night I went to go use the restroom real quick before going to bed and when I came back they already turned the lights off in the room, so I didn't want to turn it back on and disturb them, so I shut the door and left the lights off. I then took a step and felt Elder King's bag on the floor. I was so distraught! I felt as though it was my civic duty to move the bag so some poor soul wouldn't trip on it in the middle of the night. In my efforts to bend down and remove the hazardous object, a metal chair attacked me. I fought valiantly, but my efforts were futile... the chair was mighty and it slashed me! After suffering his vicious blow, I gathered my strength and crawled towards the light switch. I flicked the light on, but my foe had retreated. I then departed into a place of consolation and began to care for my wounds. My foe had left his mark. At this point Elder King finally decided that he should maybe roll out of bed. He then discovered me in my fallen state, battered and broken. He called for help and our angels in blue appeared. They delivered me into a temple of healing. There angels of green treated my wounds and ensured my survival. It was a long arduous process but at last I arose, strong and confident. As we returned unto the land of wait, we discovered we were lost. There was no way to contact those blue angels that had brought us unto the temple. We acquired a seer to contact our angels, that they might take us back into our own world. We were brought back into our place of residence. And we rested.