Thursday, December 27, 2018

Merry Christmas!

Hey sorry I wasn't very talkative yesterday. My head has just been killing me these past few days and I've just been really out of it. Like after I hung up, I could hardly remember anything about our call. I know that Devin is going to find out where he's being assigned soon, Shelby is fostering kids sometime, and like half way through the call dad got a puppy but that's like all I can remember. So ya other than that I can't remember what you showed me or talked with me about that much.

It was nice of the family to have you over and make pancakes and bacon for you! Are they ward missionaries leaders? Or do they just like to take care of the missionaries? How many are in their family?And nah they're just like a crazy nice family. The parents both served missions and then two of their kids served missions so they just really like to take care of missionaries. There's 5 of them in total. 2 parents, 28 yr old guy, 25yr girl, and a 14 yr old guy.

Were you reading or singing in the picture they sent?
I don't know what pic you're talking about but all I know is I'm fairly certain I wasn't singing in whatever pic you're talking about. For the rest of the day we just pretty much got fed by members and then had our baptismal service. We also went and visited a member in the hospital but kana ra. The baptism was good. There wasn't a ton of people there kay it was christmas day and they pretty much party like crazy here on the night of christmas on the 24th, so everyone is pretty exhausted on Christmas day itself. How we found him was kinda funny kay we were having one of the people we had been teaching interviewed and while we were sitting outside he kinda just walked up to us and started talking to us. We talked with him a little bit and shared a short message with him and then ya now he's baptized. But ya that was our last solid jud baptism that we had lined up so now we're going to really have to start focusing on finding again. And ya they partied hard for Christmas and apparently it's nothing compared to New Years so I guess they really go all out for new Years so we'll see what happens.

Ya my comp loved the gifts. Ya pretty much the only way we can actually keep ants out is if we put our food in the fridge but we'll see. I have a couple containers that keep ants out pretty well so hopefully this one will work gihapon. but yo in that box that's coming, does it have music by chance???

So ya i generally don't need extra money for anything. We get support every 15th and 30th of the month and we get it individually so I don't have to worry about budgeting with my companion. and yo when you send pics you should also send like a little desk calendar thing, that'd be super nice.

Sorry still a little scatter brained. Love ya! Merry Christmas!
Elder Shirley